This Blog is Dedicated to our dear friend Karen.
When she left this life she left a hole in our hearts as well as several to be read books.
We, her friends, will read these books for her.
This blog will be a sort of book club for us to post our thoughts and feelings about the stories and feelings we have of Karen while we read.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

#293 Mary Mary James Patterson


What's this? Kris gives a James Patterson book a positive review? Yeah, I was as surprised as you were. Overall, the writing was tight, the ending was believable (though a bit anticlimactic), and unlike most of the other Cross books, there's an actual mystery. There were a few things I didn't like - the sex scenes and Cross's entire interaction with females in general, for instance. What was the point of having the LA detective come on so strong? It wasn't continued in the rest of the book, and it added nothing to the plot. Was it to show how ridiculously irresistible Cross is? And how long will the relationship with his new lady friend last? And please, what the heck is going on with Christine?

These issues (which all seem to relate to Cross's enormous ego) aside, this was a solid addition to the Alex Cross series - better, in my opinion, than most of the others.


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