This Blog is Dedicated to our dear friend Karen.
When she left this life she left a hole in our hearts as well as several to be read books.
We, her friends, will read these books for her.
This blog will be a sort of book club for us to post our thoughts and feelings about the stories and feelings we have of Karen while we read.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell - # 23

This book made me grateful for the lives our kids have. What this poor Eleanor had to deal with on a daily basis just to survive no 16 year old girl should have to endure. Her stepfather made her life so miserable that she literally just tried to be invisible. 

Eleanor and a boy named Park could not be any more opposite to pick out as a match from backgrounds on how they were raised but they actually had so much in common as far as interests and the same sense of humor. Although this was a very sweet story the teenage angst throughout a good portion of the book was sometimes hard to push through. But as I remember (even though it has been quite some time now) that is how a teenage mind thinks. 

I did find it funny as well that this book took place about the time I was a teenager as well. They talked about going to the movies to see Short Circuit and listening to their Walkman, made me laugh. 

I left the book thinking about how there are probably kids just like Eleanor that go with my kid's to school now going through something similar. It is so hard to think about carrying that much baggage for a child and still trying to learn. Saying a prayer for those kids today they find a way out of their terrible situations!

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